Delicate frangrances for the extra intense Rio de Janeiro’s heat

Delicate frangrances for the extra intense Rio de Janeiro’s heat

Anyone who knows the city of Rio de Janeiro knows that the heat and Oceanside lifestyle have the power to guide the daily life of any person. And with guiding I mean thru the choices of clothing, accessories, food and even the fragrances. Strong and striking scents on the sidewalks of this boiling city just exudes an unwanted exaggeration. The best thing is to opt for fresh and light fragrances.

I tried the “La Petite Robe Noire” line from Guerlain and fell in love with these two fragrances, the Eau de Toilette and Eau Fraiche. The green fragrance, Eau Fraiche, has a touch of tangerine, rose petals and pistachio. The pink one, Eau de Toilette, is fresh and floral with a touch of citrus and musk. I couldn’t decide between them so I got both!

Particularly I like to use the Eau Fraiche in the early mornings of my weekdays, after the bath before going to the gym. One or two sprays around the neckline give an elegant freshness which will gently fade within approximately two hours. It is also light and delicious in the last shower of the day before tucking in bed.

The Eau de Toilette, I enjoy out of the second shower of the day before going to the office, this fragrance is soft and smooth with a more imposing tone of “the day has started!”. It helps me get going in a really good mood! Either one you get, you will be delightfully smelling good:)


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Por muitos anos eu venho querendo meu espaço por aqui e um meio de dividir muita coisa que vejo de lindo e de como posso ajudar as pessoas a viverem melhor ou pelo menos prestar mais atenção ao belo, viver mais saudável e mais feliz, e naturalmente só atrair pessoas boas e contentes. Aquelas que te levantam e aumentam o astral.

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Alessandra Marzano

Vou falar de vários assuntos diferentes já que é muito difícil somente prestar atenção em uma única coisa. O mundo é tão vasto e a vida muito curta; todos os dias me surpreendo e me emociono com nosso planeta. O foco será sempre no bom, no positivo, no produtivo e no feliz.
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