Kowy™ Indiegogo Campaign – The new accessories for glasses!

Kowy™ Indiegogo Campaign – The new accessories for glasses!

 Kowy ™ Indiegogo campaign is LIVE!

I launched my Kowy ™ campaign on the largest collective investment platform in the United States. For those who do not know what it is, I’ll explain.

When a person invents a new product, be it the start of a company or an existing company, there is a great difficulty in getting funds needed for production among other costs. These collective investment platforms, or crowdfunding, were created to help and publicize these products, or services or any of our creative projects, such as films, documentaries, and TV series. It then progressed to fashion products, electronic gadgets and anything that can be exchanged for a value.

Despite not being well known in Brazil yet, Indiegogo and Kickstarter are the largest platforms in the world today. They move billions of dollars annually in sales and raise new businesses from scratch every day. It’s a very interesting concept. In Brazil, however, it is used still only for theaters, short films or documentaries. I hope it grows and helps to increase the creativity Brazilians need to start producing new products, and developing new services.

Follow Kowy ™ ´s link for the Indiegogo campaign.

You can choose a reward (perk) all at a discount, or just leave any amount to support the campaign and the cause. There is a pretty cool $10 perk which will give you one ticket for a special raffle on the last day of the campaign. It will be held live on our Facebook page and Instagram networks (@ kowy.co).

Kowy ™ Campaign Link on Indiegogo.


Hope you enjoy our video and campaign.


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Por muitos anos eu venho querendo meu espaço por aqui e um meio de dividir muita coisa que vejo de lindo e de como posso ajudar as pessoas a viverem melhor ou pelo menos prestar mais atenção ao belo, viver mais saudável e mais feliz, e naturalmente só atrair pessoas boas e contentes. Aquelas que te levantam e aumentam o astral.

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Alessandra Marzano

Vou falar de vários assuntos diferentes já que é muito difícil somente prestar atenção em uma única coisa. O mundo é tão vasto e a vida muito curta; todos os dias me surpreendo e me emociono com nosso planeta. O foco será sempre no bom, no positivo, no produtivo e no feliz.
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