Fashion tours throughout the marvelous city – Rio de Janeiro

Fashion tours throughout the marvelous city – Rio de Janeiro

I present my newest work project – Fashion tours in Rio de Janeiro in conjunction with Xperiencerio.

I am very happy to work with this wonderful and professional group at Xperiencerio, the best tour agency in Rio de Janeiro. Between planning visits to the major sights of the wonderful city, planning boat nd helicopter tours, arranging Samba classes and lesson on local cuisine. Xperiencerio plans and offers the best possible experience for your stay in Rio.

There will be 4 different tours divided based on style, fashion trends and points of the city. The tour will be classified as follows:

  1. Street style meets vintage – learn about the culture of how Cariocas (people from Rio) dress and shop if you wish to fit in a bit more. And also get into the new trend in the fashion world – sustainability. Visit one of the largest retail centers of mixed brands located in a beautiful old factory, trendy and organized as super stylish clothing and accessories store.
  2. Designer´s ateliers and shopping malls – Visit the workshop and atelier of famous local designers, who are part of the glamorous Rio fashion shows. And visit 2 of the best shopping malls in the city, with thousands of shops where you will find everything on your list, fast and promptly under my guidance. In addition, enjoy beautiful views of the city.
  3. All about Brazilian stones – Visit the largest semi-precious stones store in Latin America. You’ll find everything you can think of made with local stones. From items that are a few feet high used for decoration to thousands of bracelets, necklaces, earrings and even keychains made with stones. Learn what is the corresponding stone to your birthday and choose from various sizes, shapes and prices.
  4. Night fair tour – Find everything you can imagine with the face of Rio, between shirts with prints of the city´s most famous places, other pieces of clothing, paintings and accessories all handmade by local artisans. While you shop for your local souvenirs, indulge in the local food trucks and carts and get to know a bit of what Brazilians eat on the run. All this with an unbelievable view of the beautiful city.

Each tour lasts on average 4 hours. They can be customized and combined, and time can also be changed according to each combination due to the distance of each site.

For more information visit or contact me at


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Por muitos anos eu venho querendo meu espaço por aqui e um meio de dividir muita coisa que vejo de lindo e de como posso ajudar as pessoas a viverem melhor ou pelo menos prestar mais atenção ao belo, viver mais saudável e mais feliz, e naturalmente só atrair pessoas boas e contentes. Aquelas que te levantam e aumentam o astral.

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Alessandra Marzano

Vou falar de vários assuntos diferentes já que é muito difícil somente prestar atenção em uma única coisa. O mundo é tão vasto e a vida muito curta; todos os dias me surpreendo e me emociono com nosso planeta. O foco será sempre no bom, no positivo, no produtivo e no feliz.
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