style coach Archives - Alessandra Marzano

Info-Fashion No.2: Miguel Adrover

Info-Fashion No.2: Miguel Adrover
Miguel Adrover‘s somatic collections, which are often inspired by the people and cultures he observes in New York and on his travels, are unique to his authentic interpretation of everyday clothing. Having been born in a small village in Majorca in 1965. Adrover moved to New York in 1991 and began producing a line of personalized t-shirts with his friend ...

Libertine-Libertine – no restrictions

Libertine-Libertine  – no restrictions
I always like to know a bit more about brands in general, especially the ones that make my eyes sparkle!  Libertine-Libertine called my attention on my last fashion research trip to New York City last March, and I had it on my agenda to write about them since then. Their pieces are strong, extravagant and fun. I am also a big fan ...

Alessandra Marzano

Vou falar de vários assuntos diferentes já que é muito difícil somente prestar atenção em uma única coisa. O mundo é tão vasto e a vida muito curta; todos os dias me surpreendo e me emociono com nosso planeta. O foco será sempre no bom, no positivo, no produtivo e no feliz.
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